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UPS backgroundUPS
UPS backgroundUPS
Environmental Devices
UPSCoolingSystem APC ACRCDiesel Generator Deep SEACoolingSystem Tavan SarmaCoolingSystem Uniflair UG40/MP40CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF

UPS Monitoring

UPS equipment is used in many data centers to provide stable power. Moein has the ability to monitor UPSs, which provides indicators of input line voltage, output line voltage, power consumption, UPS operating status, battery status, UPS residual charge, and etc.


Performance indicators and parameters of UPS monitored by Moien are:

Device General Info:

  1. Alias Name
  2. Address
  3. Port Number
  4. Vendor
  5. Availability
  6. UP Time
  7. Host Name
  8. Model
  9. UPS Identifier Name
  10. Attached Device To UPS
  11. Nominal Input Voltage
  12. Nominal Input Frequency
  13. Nominal Output Voltage
  14. Nominal Output Frequency
  15. Nominal Output Volt-Amp
  16. Nominal Output Power
  17. Low Battery Condition Threshold
  18. State Of The Audible Alarm
  19. Minimum Input Line Voltage For Switch To Backup Battery
  20. Maximum Input Line Voltage For Switch To Backup Battery

UPS Test Details:

  1. Test ID
  2. Test Result
  3. Test Result Details
  4. Test Start Time
  5. Test Elapse Time


UPS General KPIs:

  1. Number Of Input Lines
  2. Number Of Output Lines
  3. UPS Type
  4. Output Frequency
  5. Number Of Bypass Line
  6. Bypass Frequency
  7. Number Of Active Alarms
  8. Number Of Times Input Lines Entered To Bad Status
  9. Input Lines Entered To Bad Status Rate
  10. Auto Restart Configuration
  11. UPS Operational Status

Battery KPIs:

  1. Battery Status
  2. Elapsed Time Since The UPS Switched To Battery
  3. Estimated Time Of Battery Charge Depletion
  4. Remaining Battery Charge Percentage
  5. Battery Voltage
  6. Battery Current
  7. Battery Ambient Temperature

Input Lines KPIs:

  1. Input Line Frequency
  2. Input Line Voltage
  3. Input Line Current
  4. Input Line Power

Output Lines KPIs:

  1. Output Line Voltage
  2. Output Line Current
  3. Output Line Power
  4. Output Line Load Percentage

Bypass Lines KPIs:

  1. Bypass Line Voltage
  2. Bypass Line Current
  3. Bypass Line Power

Ups.kp Is.en

Communication Protocols:

  • SNMP V1, V2, V3
Environmental Devices
UPSCoolingSystem APC ACRCDiesel Generator Deep SEACoolingSystem Tavan SarmaCoolingSystem Uniflair UG40/MP40CoolingSystem Uniflair BREF
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155