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Nginx backgroundNginx
Nginx backgroundNginx
Web Servers
NginxApache HTTP ServerIIS ServerIBM HTTP Server

Nginx Monitoring

Integrated operations monitoring system, Moein, is a monitoring system for all service layers of information technology. One of the prominent tasks of this system is to monitor application-level products. At this level, Nginx web servers are among the most common web servers utilized by many service providers. This Moein component, equipped the system administrator with the ability to view performance indicators of Nginx web server such as response time, request and communications statistics, to mention a few.


Nginx monitoring includes the following performance indicators :

  1. Active Connections
  2. Accepted Connections
  3. Accepted Connections Rate
  4. Handled Connections
  5. Handled Connections Rate
  6. Total Number Of Requests
  7. Request Rate
  8. Request In Reading State
  9. Request In Response State
  10. Request In Waiting State
  11. Response Time

Communication Protocols:

  • REST
Web Servers
NginxApache HTTP ServerIIS ServerIBM HTTP Server
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155