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Runtime Environments

JVM Monitoring

Java is currently one of the most widely used enterprise and mid-level application development languages, using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) as the execution environment. Monitoring JVM-related performance indicators such as JVM CPU usage, Heap and Non-Heap memory, Garbage Collectors indicators, Threads are very important for development teams and administrators. Moein monitoring system has the ability to monitor these JVM performance indicators, which are listed below:


Host KPIs:

  1. Committed Virtual Memory
  2. Total Swap Space
  3. Free Swap Space Size
  4. Used Swap Space
  5. Swap Space Usage
  6. Host Free Memory
  7. Host Total Memory
  8. Host Used Memory
  9. Host Memory Used Percentage
  10. CPU Time
  11. CPU Usage
  12. Host CPU Usage
  13. Number Of Processors
  14. Open File Descriptors
  15. Maximum File Descriptors
  16. JVM Up Time

Threads :

  1. Daemon Thread Count
  2. Peak Thread Count
  3. Active Thread Count
  4. Total Started Thread Count
  5. Current Thread CPU Time
  6. Current Thread User Time

Memory :

  1. Committed Heap Memory
  2. Initial Heap Memory
  3. Maximum Heap Memory
  4. Used Heap Memory
  5. Heap Memory Used Percentage
  6. Committed Non-Heap Memory
  7. Initial Non-Heap Memory
  8. Maximum Non-Heap Memory
  9. Used Non-Heap Memory
  10. Non-Heap Memory Used Percentage

Java Classes:

  1. Total Classes
  2. Current Locaded Classes
  3. Unloaded Classes

Garbage Collectors:

  1. Garbage Collection Count
  2. Garbage Collection Rate
  3. Garbage Collection Time
  4. Average Garbage Collection Time


Communication Protocols:

  • JMX
Runtime Environments
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155