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PostgreSQL backgroundPostgreSQL
PostgreSQL backgroundPostgreSQL
DB2HazelcastMicrosoft SQL ServerOracle DatabaseMariaDBPostgreSQLMySQLDB2/ZElastic SearchCassandraApache HbaseRedisMongoDBMemcached

PostgreSQL Monitoring

PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development. Characteristics such as reliability, high performance, and feature robustness make this database very popular. As a result, many applications developed at small to large scale enterprises utilize this database. Moein monitoring system is capable of monitoring and visualizing this database metrics. It can collect performance indicators from databases, DMLs, transactions, locks, indexes, sessions, and executed queries. Performance metrics for this database are:

Postgre Sql.overview.en

  1. Total Sessions
  2. Idle Sessions
  3. Active Sessions
  4. Total Committed Transactions Rate
  5. Total Rolled Back Transactions Rate
  6. Average Cache Hit Ratio
  7. Rows Update Rate
  8. Rows Delete Rate
  9. Rows Insert Rate
  10. Rows Fetched Rate
  11. Rows Returned Rate
  12. Deadlocks Rate
  13. Cancelled Queries
  14. Index Scans Rate
  15. Index Reads Rate
  16. Index Fetches Rate
  17. Number Of Scheduled Checkpoints
  18. Number Of Requested Checkpoints
  19. Number Of Buffers Written
  20. Buffer Clean
  21. Maximum Written Clean
  22. Buffer Written Directly
  23. Allocated Buffer
  24. Checkpoint Write Time
  25. Checkpoint Sync Time 
  26. Locks Held
  27. Locks Wait

Postgre Sql.kpi.en


  1. List Of Databases
  2. Database Size
  3. Idle Sessions
  4. Active Sessions
  5. Total Sessions
  6. Committed Transactions
  7. Committed Transactions Rate
  8. Rolled Back Transactions
  9. Rolled Back Transactions Rate
  10. Cache Hit Ratio
  11. Rows Update Rate
  12. Rows Delete Rate
  13. Rows Insert Rate
  14. Rows Fetched Rate
  15. Rows Returned Rate
  16. Deadlocks Rate
  17. Cancelled Queries

Postgre Sql.database.en

Postgre Sql.databaseview.en

Top Queries:

  1. Most Frequently Executed Queries
  2. Top Slow Running Queries
  3.  Top Queries By Effected Rows Count
  4.  Top Queries By Average IO Read Time
  5.  Top Queries By Average IO Write Time


Communication Protocols:

  • JDBC


DB2HazelcastMicrosoft SQL ServerOracle DatabaseMariaDBPostgreSQLMySQLDB2/ZElastic SearchCassandraApache HbaseRedisMongoDBMemcached
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155