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Kibana backgroundKibana
Data Analysis Tools
KibanaNiFiApache SparkApache Hadoop HDFSApache Hadoop Yarn

Kibana Monitoring

Kibana is a free and open user interface that lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and navigate the Elastic stack. Moein monitoring system has the capability of monitoring this member of ELK stack. It provides Kibana health status, number of requests and connections, response time, memory usage and instance performance metrics. The following is a list of the performance metrics for Kibana:


Kibana General Metrics:

  1. Status
  2. Total Requests
  3. Concurrent Connections
  4. Max Response Time
  5. Kibana Instances Count
  6. Used Memory
  7. Total Memory
  8. Memory Usage


Instances Metrics:

  1. List Of Instances
  2. Status
  3. Load Average
  4. System Load – 1 min
  5. System Load – 5 min
  6. System Load – 15 min
  7. Concurrent Connections
  8. Event Loop Delay
  9. Heap Size Limit
  10. Memory Size
  11. Max Response Time
  12. Average Reponse Time
  13. Total Requests
  14. OS Free Memory
  15. Uptime



Communication Protocols:

  • REST
Data Analysis Tools
KibanaNiFiApache SparkApache Hadoop HDFSApache Hadoop Yarn
3rd floor, No. 8, 2nd dead-end, Sadeghi St., Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran, Postal code 1458846155